Club meeting - February

The second meeting for 2019 will be this Sunday 24th at the Philatelic Centre, 67 Mandeville Street, commencing at 6.45pm for a friendly catchup and sales tables for those of you who wish to do a bit of trading. Item of the Night will be a Tribute to Deric Blackler  with the theme being something you either bought or traded with Deric many of us over the years will have something in our collection that would have come from one of HIS many shops or fairs that he had either with the Club or other event holders so put your thinking caps on dust off the item and bring it along with your story to share.

New Finds always interesting items surface after so many shows so we look forward to seeing those treasures acquired at either Nelson / Greymouth / Revamp Market / Antiques on the Lawn / Shabby chic or the garage sale or antique shops on the table. Don’t forget to add your item to the list so it can be recorded. Bruce Graham will be chairing the meeting as both Craig and Barry have other engagements. The February issue of the magazine will be handed out at the meeting, so please try to get there and save the club some postage costs. Alternatively, you can arrange for some other member to collect your magazine on your behalf." Thanks Hugh. There will be a Meat Raffle Tickets $2 per ticket on sale so bring some extra coins. Door charge is $3 per person for the meeting please support the club by paying this small fee as it helps to pay for the lovely clean and well-lit rooms.

If anyone has had a change of contact details please advise Steve so our records can be updated and you can be kept up to date with forth coming events. There will also be NEW NAME TAGS at this meeting so please support getting to know other collectors by wearing your tag and remember to return it at the end of the meeting. It’s a great way to break the ice and start up that collecting conversation and it may be spark a new addition to your collection or a good friendship with a fellow collector.

We are still looking for someone or a couple to assist with the tea and coffee serving for the meetings if you can assist please email Hugh or Sandra via the contact page of this website. No uniform provided but you can dress up if you would like to really act out the role.

LET’S PUT OUR THINKING CAPS ON AND PLAN SOME FUN PLACES TO VISIT AND THINGS TO DO AS A CLUB. HELEN WILL BE TAKING IDEAS AT THIS MEETING WITH HOPEFULLY SOME THING TO ADD TO OUR CALENDER IN THE COMING MONTHS. There is also a Facebook group for the Club. If you would like to join this group please go here. Also new positions available as administrator or moderator for our Face Book Page applications close for the position’s March 31 please forward written application to Helen Cater via the contact page of this website or in person at club night.